Source code for aiogibson.commands

import asyncio

from .connection import create_connection

__all__ = ['create_gibson', 'Gibson']

[docs]class Gibson: """High-level Gibson interface :see: """ def __init__(self, connection): self._conn = connection def __repr__(self): return '<Gibson {!r}>'.format(self._conn) def close(self): self._conn.close() @asyncio.coroutine def wait_closed(self): yield from self._conn.wait_closed() @property
[docs] def closed(self): """True if connection is closed.""" return self._conn.closed
[docs] def get(self, key): """Get the value for a given key. :param key: ``bytes`` key to get. :return: ``bytes`` if value exists else ``None`` """ return self._conn.execute(b'get', key)
[docs] def set(self, key, value, expire=0): """Set the value for the given key, with an optional TTL. :param key: ``bytes`` key to set. :param value: ``bytes`` value to set. :param expire: ``int`` optional ttl in seconds :raises TypeError: if expire argument is not ``int`` """ if not isinstance(expire, int): raise TypeError('expire must be int') return self._conn.execute(b'set', expire, key, value)
[docs] def delete(self, key): """ Delete the given key. :param key: ``bytes`` key to delete. :return: ``bool`` true in case of success. """ result = self._conn.execute(b'del', key) return wait_convert(result, bool)
[docs] def ttl(self, key, expire): """Set the TTL of a key. :param key: ``bytes``, key to set ttl. :param expire: ``int``, TTL in seconds. :return: ``bool``, True in case of success. :raises TypeError: if expire argument is not ``int`` """ if not isinstance(expire, int): raise TypeError('expire must be int') result = self._conn.execute(b'ttl', key, expire) return wait_convert(result, bool)
[docs] def inc(self, key): """Increment by one the given key. :param key: ``bytes``, key to increment. :return: ``int`` incremented value """ return self._conn.execute(b'inc', key)
[docs] def dec(self, key): """Decrement by one the given key. :param key: ``bytes``, key to decrement. :return: ``int`` decremented value in case of success """ return self._conn.execute(b'dec', key)
[docs] def lock(self, key, expire=0): """Prevent the given key from being modified for a given amount of seconds. :param key: ``bytes``, key to decrement. :param expire: ``int``, time in seconds to lock the item. :return: ``bool`` :raises TypeError: if expire argument is not ``int`` """ if not isinstance(expire, int): raise TypeError('expire must be int') result = self._conn.execute(b'lock', key, expire) return wait_convert(result, bool)
[docs] def unlock(self, key): """Remove the lock from the given key. :param key: ``bytes`` key ot unlock. :return: ``bool``, True in case of success. """ result = self._conn.execute(b'unlock', key) return wait_convert(result, bool)
[docs] def keys(self, prefix): """Return a list of keys matching the given prefix. :param prefix: key prefix to use as expression. :return: ``list`` of available keys """ result = self._conn.execute(b'keys', prefix) return wait_convert(result, key_pairs)
[docs] def stats(self): """Get system stats about the Gibson instance. :return: ``list`` of pairs (stat, value). """ return self._conn.execute(b'stats')
[docs] def ping(self): """Ping the server instance to refresh client last seen timestamp. :return: ``True`` or error. """ return self._conn.execute(b'ping')
[docs] def meta_size(self, key): """The size in bytes of the item value. :param key: ``bytes``, key of interest. :return: ``int``, value size in bytes """ return self._conn.execute(b'meta', key, b'size')
[docs] def meta_encoding(self, key): """Gibson encoding for given value. :param key: ``bytes``, key of interest. :return: ``int``, gibson encoding, 0 - ``bytes``, 2 - ``int``. """ return self._conn.execute(b'meta', key, b'encoding')
[docs] def meta_access(self, key): """Timestamp of the last time the item was accessed. :param key: ``bytes``, key of interest. :return: ``int``, timestamp """ return self._conn.execute(b'meta', key, b'access')
[docs] def meta_created(self, key): """Timestamp of item creation. :param key: ``bytes``, key of interest. :return: ``int``, timestamp """ return self._conn.execute(b'meta', key, b'created')
[docs] def meta_ttl(self, key): """Item specified time to live, -1 for infinite TTL. :param key: ``bytes``, key of interest. :return: ``int``, seconds of TTL. """ return self._conn.execute(b'meta', key, b'ttl')
[docs] def meta_left(self, key): """Number of seconds left for the item to live if a ttl was specified, otherwise -1. :param key: ``bytes``, key of interest. :return: ``int``, Number of seconds left. """ return self._conn.execute(b'meta', key, b'left')
[docs] def meta_lock(self, key): """Number of seconds the item is locked, -1 if there's no lock. :param key: ``bytes``, key of interest. :return: ``int``, number of seconds """ return self._conn.execute(b'meta', key, b'lock')
[docs] def end(self): """Disconnects from the client from gibson instance.""" return self._conn.execute(b'end')
[docs] def mset(self, prefix, value): """Set the value for keys verifying the given prefix. :param prefix: prefix for keys. :return: ``int``, number of modified items, otherwise an error. """ return self._conn.execute(b'mset', prefix, value)
[docs] def mget(self, prefix, limit=None): """Get the values for keys with given prefix. :param prefix: prefix for keys. :param limit: maximum number of returned key/value paris. :return: ``list`` of key/value pairs :raises TypeError: if limit argument is not ``int`` """ if (limit is not None) and (not isinstance(limit, int)): raise TypeError('limit must be int') if limit is None: resp = self._conn.execute(b'mget', prefix) else: resp = self._conn.execute(b'mget', prefix, limit) return resp
[docs] def mttl(self, prefix, expire=0): """Set the TTL for keys verifying the given prefix. :param prefix: prefix for keys. :param expire: ``int``, new expiration time. :return: ``int``, number of modified items, otherwise an error. :raises TypeError: if expire argument is not ``int`` """ if not isinstance(expire, int): raise TypeError('expire must be int') return self._conn.execute(b'mttl', prefix, expire)
[docs] def minc(self, prefix): """Increment by one keys verifying the given prefix. :param prefix: prefix for keys. :return: ``int``, number of modified items, otherwise an error. """ return self._conn.execute(b'minc', prefix)
[docs] def mdec(self, prefix): """Decrement by one keys verifying the given prefix. :param prefix: prefix for keys. :return: ``int``, number of modified items, otherwise an error. """ return self._conn.execute(b'mdec', prefix)
[docs] def mlock(self, prefix, expire=0): """Prevent keys verifying the given prefix from being modified for a given amount of seconds. :param prefix: ``bytes``, prefix for keys. :param expire:``int``, lock period in seconds. :return: ``int``, number of modified items, otherwise an error. :raises TypeError: if expire argument is not ``int`` """ if not isinstance(expire, int): raise TypeError('expire must be int') return self._conn.execute(b'mlock', prefix, expire)
[docs] def munlock(self, prefix): """Remove the lock on keys verifying the given prefix. :param prefix: prefix for keys. :return: ``int``, number of affected items, otherwise an error. """ return self._conn.execute(b'munlock', prefix)
[docs] def mdelete(self, prefix): """Delete keys verifying the given prefix. :param prefix: prefix for keys. :return: ``int``, number of modified items, otherwise an error. """ return self._conn.execute(b'mdel', prefix)
[docs] def count(self, prefix): """Count items for a given prefix. :param prefix: ``bytes`` The key prefix to use as expression :return: ``int`` number of elements """ return self._conn.execute(b'count', prefix)
[docs]def create_gibson(address, *, encoding=None, commands_factory=Gibson, loop=None): """Create high-level Gibson interface. :param address: ``str`` for unix socket path, or ``tuple`` for (host, port) tcp connection. :param encoding: this argument can be used to decode byte-replies to strings. By default no decoding is done. :param commands_factory: :param loop: event loop to use :return: high-level Gibson connection ``Gibson`` """ conn = yield from create_connection(address, encoding=encoding, loop=loop) return commands_factory(conn)
@asyncio.coroutine def wait_convert(fut, type_): result = yield from fut return type_(result) def key_pairs(obj): return [r for i, r in enumerate(obj) if i % 2]